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Find resources related to water quality in California and activities affecting water quality, including hydraulic fracturing.

Find resources about groundwater’s importance to natural ecosystems, including Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs).  California’s GDEs include wetlands, rivers, streams, and estuaries, seeps and springs, and terrestrial vegetation.

30 to 46 percent of water used in California is groundwater, depending on the precipitation each year. In years of drought when surface water supplies are low, reliance on groundwater increases. But surface water and groundwater resources are not related only because they’re substitutes. They’re also interconnected such that surface water flows impact groundwater flows and vice versa. These resources discuss groundwater-surface water interactions, including legal implications for using surface water to recharge groundwater aquifers.

Groundwater Sustainability Agencies are considering different mechanisms for ensuring sustainable use of groundwater. This includes groundwater allocation mechanisms such as creating groundwater markets.

Engaging the community in groundwater management is key to ensuring equitable groundwater management plans.

Find resources about data and monitoring systems available for measuring metrics for groundwater management and tracking progress.